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WSGL121 module-uitkomste

Jaar Module-uitkomste Engelse uitkomste

Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente

  • hul eie sterk- en swakpunte kan assesseer deur 'n aanlyn toets oor vorige werk te skryf;
  • probleme met patrone, verhoudings en voorstellings kan oplos wat op lineêre vergelykings gebaseer is;
  • probleme in terme van ruimte, vorm, meting en voorstellings van die fisiese wêreld kan oplos, grotendeels in tweedimensionele kontekste;
  • hul eie en ander studente  se denkpatrone kan analiseer op 'n metakognitiewe wyse tydens probleemoplossing en dus so in staat wees om logiese foute te identifiseer en hulle reg te stel; en
  • die analise van probleme en oplossings kan kommunikeer deur middel van gepaste redenasie.

After completing this module, students should be able to

  • assess own strengths and weaknesses by writing an online test about the previous work;
  • solve problems with patterns, relationships, and representations based on linear equations;
  • solve problems in space, shape, measurement, and representations of the physical world, mainly in two-dimensional contexts;
  • metacognitively analyse their own and other students’ thinking patterns when solving a problem and thus being able to identify logical mistakes and rectify them; and
  • communicate the analyses of problems and solutions through appropriate reasoning.