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WSGL111 module-uitkomste

Jaar Module-uitkomste Engelse uitkomste

Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente

  • insig kan toon in die doel en aard van Wiskundige Geletterdheid as vak;
  • werklike wêreldprobleme, wat deur middel van wiskundige denke opgelos kan word, kan herken en analiseer;
  • werklike wêreldprobleme kan oplos deur basiese reëls en beginsels deur middel van wiskundige denke in berekening te neem (insluitende basiese berekeninge, afronding, persentasies, verhoudings en eweredigheid);
  • hul eie en ander studente se denkwyse kan analiseer op 'n metavlak tydens die oplossing van 'n probleem;
  • die belang van lees in Wiskundige Geletterdheid kan ondersoek en in die proses ook met die toepassing van strategieë begin;
  • die analise van probleme en oplossings kan kommunikeer deur middel van gepaste redenering; en
  • 'n begrip van getallestelsels kan demonstreer.

After completing this module, students should be able to

  • have insight into the aim and nature of the subject Mathematical Literacy;
  • recognise and analyse real-world problems that can be solved through mathematical thinking;
  • solve real-world problems taking into account the basic rules and principles of mathematical thinking (including basic calculations, rounding, percentages, ratio, and proportion);
  • analyse their own and other students’ thinking at metalevel when solving a problem;
  • examine the importance of reading in Mathematical Literacy and, while doing so, also start with the application of strategies;
  • communicate the analyses of problems and solutions through appropriate reasoning; and
  • demonstrate an understanding of number systems.