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PRAK433 module-uitkomste

Jaar Module-uitkomste Engelse uitkomste

Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente

  • lesse kan beplan en vir enige klas in die Senior & VOO-fase kan aanbied;
  • ‘n weeklange kurrikulum kan beplan en vir enige klas in die Senior & VOO-fase kan aanbied;
  • bewyse kan verskaf dat die beginsels van inklusiwiteit toegepas is;
  • lesbeplanning kan voltooi; gebruik kan maak van verskillende assesseringsmetodes, -tipes, -vorme en -instrumente; en suksesvol oor hierdie assessering kan besin; en
  • ʼn geïntegreerde kennisbasis kan demonstreer waarmee verskillende tegnologie-tegnieke doeltreffend in die klaskamerkonteks toegepas kan word.

After completing this module, students should be able to

  • plan lessons and present them to any class in the Senior & FET phase;
  • plan a week-long curriculum and present them to any class in the Senior & FET phase;
  • provide evidence that the principles of inclusivity were applied;
  • complete a lesson plan; use different methods, types, forms, and instruments of assessment; and successfully reflect upon these assessments; and 
  • demonstrate an informed knowledge base with which different technology techniques can be applied efficiently in the classroom context.