Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente
- ‘n geïntegreerde kennis van die sentrale areas toon; 'n begrip hê van sleutelterme, konsepte, feite, beginsels, reëls en teorieë van verskillende aspekte van Lewenswetenskappe-praktikums; oor die vermoë beskik om hul kennis toe te pas en te evalueer; en hierdie kennis in assessering tydens kontaksessies, semestertoetse en die eksamen kan weergee ;
- ‘n begrip toon van 'n reeks ondersoekmetodes tydens Lewenswetenskappe-praktikums; 'n reeks van metodes kan toepas om probleme op te los of verandering binne Lewenswetenskappe-praktikums in te voer en dit dan tydens formele en informele assesserings te kan toepas;
- verskillende inligtingsbronne kan evalueer en inligting selekteer om verskillende benaderings tot die assessering van praktiese werk in Lewenswetenskappe te toets; goed ontwikkelde prosesse van analise, sintese en evaluasie op die inligting kan toepas, dit betroubaar en samehangend kan voorstel, skriftelik daaroor kan kommunikeer en dit in ‘n besprekingsforum of 'n verslag beredeneer;
- beginsels vir Lewenswetenskappe-praktikums kan toepas om praktikums te ontwerp en aan te bied; hul eie leerbehoeftes op 'n selfgerigte wyse kan identifiseer, evalueer en aanspreek; en gesamentlike leerprosesse kan fasiliteer; en
- eties en professioneel kan optree deur ‘n reformatoriese perspektief in die benadering tot Lewenswetenskappe-praktikums toe te pas; volle verantwoordelikheid kan aanvaar vir hul eie werk, besluitneming en die gebruik van hulpbronne; en beperkte verantwoordelikheid kan aanvaar vir die besluite en optrede van ander in diverse kontekste en dit tydens formele en informele assessering kan demonstreer.
After completing this module, students should be able to
- show integrated knowledge of the central areas; have an understanding of the key terms, concepts, facts, principles, rules, and theories of various aspects of Life Sciences practicals; have the ability to apply and evaluate their knowledge; and present this knowledge in assessments during contact sessions, semester tests, and the examination;
- show an understanding of a range of investigative methods during Life Sciences practicals; apply a range of methods to solve problems or introduce variations in Life Sciences practicals and apply that during formal and informal assessments;
- evaluate various information sources and select information to test the different approaches to practical work assessment in Life Sciences; and apply well-developed processes of analysis, synthesis and evaluation to the information, present it reliably and coherently, and communicate about it in writing and argue it in a discussion forum or a report;
- apply principles for Life Sciences practicals in order to design and present practicals; identify, evaluate, and address their own learning needs in a self-directed way; and facilitate joint learning processes; and
- act ethically and professionally by applying a reformational perspective in the approach to Life Sciences practicals; fully accept responsibility for their own work, decision-making, and the use of resources; and accept limited responsibility for the decisions and actions of others in diverse contexts, and be able to demonstrate that during formal and informal assessments.