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LWWM321 module-uitkomste

Jaar Module-uitkomste Engelse uitkomste

Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente

  • ‘n geïntegreerde kennis van die sentrale areas toon; ‘n begrip toon van die sleutelterme, konsepte, feite, beginsels, reëls en teorieë van die Lewenswetenskappe-module in die VOO-fase, tesame met die beplanning en assessering van Lewenswetenskappe; en hierdie kennis kan toepas en evalueer en dit ook in assessering tydens kontaksessies, semestertoetse en die eksamen kan weergee;
  • ‘n begrip ontwikkel van 'n reeks ondersoekmetodes binne Lewenswetenskappe-beplanning en -assessering en die geskiktheid daarvan vir Lewenswetenskappe-onderrig kan beoordeel; en 'n reeks van metodes kan toepas om probleme op te los of verandering binne die onderrig van Lewenswetenskappe in te voer;
  • verskillende inligtingsbronne kan evalueer en inligting selekteer in terme van Lewenswetenskappe-onderrig se rol in die bevordering van tegnologie, die omgewing en die samelewing in Suid Afrika; en goed ontwikkelde prosesse van analise, sintese en evaluasie op die inligting kan toepas en dit betroubaar en samehangend kan voorstel deur middel van skriftelike kommunikasie,  ‘n besprekingsforum en ‘n verslag;
  • die beginsels van goeie lesbeplanning kan toepas om lesse te ontwerp en aan te bied; hul eie leerbehoeftes op 'n selfgerigte wyse kan identifiseer, evalueer en aanspreek; en gesamentlike leerprosesse kan fasiliteer; en
  • ‘n begrip demonstreer vir die natuurverskynsels en wette wat God geskep het; insig daarin toon dat die mens ‘n geleier van God se krag in die wêreld is om sodoende van sy werke te getuig en self werksaam te wees; en hierdie konsepte in Lewenswetenskappe-onderrig kan toepas deur dit mondelings en skriftelik tydens lesbeplanning en lesaanbieding te verwoord.

After completing this module, students should be able to

  • demonstrate integrated knowledge of the central areas; demonstrate an understanding of the key terms, concepts, facts, principles, rules, and theories of the Life Sciences module in the FET phase, together with the planning and assessment of Life Sciences; and apply and evaluate this knowledge and also reproduce it in assessment during contact sessions, semester tests, and in the examination;
  • develop an understanding of a series of investigative methods within the planning and assessment of Life Sciences and evaluate the suitability thereof for the tuition of Life Sciences; and apply a series of methods to solve problems or introduce changes within the tuition of Life Sciences; and
  • evaluate different information sources and select information in terms of the role of Life Sciences’ tuition in the advancement of technology, the environment, and the South African society; and apply well-developed processes of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation regarding the information and be able to present it reliably and coherently using written communication, a discussion forum, and a report;
  • apply the principles of good lesson planning to design and present lessons; identify, evaluate, and address their own learning needs in a self-directed manner; and facilitate learning processes mutually; and
  • demonstrate an understanding of God’s natural phenomena and laws; display insight that humankind is a conductor of God’s power in the world to give evidence of His works and be personally diligent therein; and apply these concepts in the tuition of Life Sciences by expressing it verbally and in writing during lesson planning and lesson presentation.