Ná die voltooiing van hierdie modules sal studente
- oor ‘n duidelike begrip beskik rakende die omvang van biochemie en sitologie; 'n fundamentele begrip demonstreer rakende die kernareas en sleutelbegrippe, konsepte, feite, algemene beginsels, reëls en teorieë met betrekking tot makromolekules, biologiese membrane, ensieme, energiemetabolisme, hormoonbeheer, mikroskopie, asook prokariotiese en eukariotiese selle; en hierdie kennis kan weergee in assessering tydens kontaksessies, semestertoetse en die eksamen;
- oor die vermoë beskik om standaardmetodes, -prosedures en –tegnieke te selekteer tydens praktikums van biochemie en sitologie, hul kennis skriftelik en mondelings kan weergee en dit tydens assessering van die praktikums kan toepas;
- inligting uit ‘n verskeidenheid van bronne kan versamel; inligting kan selekteer wat geskik is om insig te bekom oor die rol van entropie in die verloop van biochemiese reaksies; hierdie reaksies kan analiseer, sintetiseer en evalueer; en hierdie inligting betroubaar, akkuraat en samehangend op 'n mondelinge wyse kan kommunikeer by wyse van terugvoer tydens kontaksessies en die skriftelike uiteensetting daarvan in 'n verslag;
- oor die vermoë beskik om gedefinieerde, roetine- en nuwe probleme betreffende die biochemie en sitologie binne ‘n bekende konteks - wat tydens die kontaksessies of op e-Klas geplaas word - te identifiseer, te evalueer en op te los; oplossings kan toepas wat gebaseer is op relevante bewyse, prosedures of 'n ander vorm van verduideliking toepaslik tot die veld, dissipline of praktyk en 'n begrip van die gevolge daarvan kan demonstreer; en
- oor die vermoë beskik om hul eie prestasie en dié van ander te evalueer en toepaslike aksies te neem waar dit sou nodig wees; verantwoordelikheid aanvaar vir hul eie leer binne ‘n gestruktureerde leerproses; die leer van ander kan bevorder; insig toon dat God die mens na sy beeld geskep het en dat dit daarom die mens se verantwoordelikheid is om hul eie liggaam en dié van ander te eer, te versorg en te onderhou; en hierdie insig skriftelik en mondelings kan kommunikeer tydens kontaksessies en in die voltooiing van opdragte en aktiwiteite.
After completing this module, students should be able to
- have a clear understanding regarding the extent of biochemistry and cytology; demonstrate a fundamental understanding of the core areas and critical notions, concepts, facts, general principles, rules, and theories regarding macromolecules, biological membranes, enzymes, energy metabolism, hormone control, microscopy, and prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; and reproduce this knowledge in assessments during contact sessions, semester tests, and in the examination;
- have the ability to select standard methods, standard procedures, and standard techniques during practical biochemistry and cytology, reproduce their knowledge in writing and verbally, and apply it during the assessment of practical classes;
- collect information from a variety of sources; select suitable information to gain insight regarding the role of entropy in the course of biochemical reactions; analyse, synthesise, and evaluate these reactions and communicate it reliably, accurately, and coherently in an oral matter in contextual feedback during contact sessions and the written exposition thereof in a report;
- possess the ability to identify, evaluate, and solve defined, routine, and new problems regarding biochemistry and cytology within a known context - posed during the contact sessions or placed on e-Class - and apply solutions based on relevant proof, procedures, or another form of explanation that applies to the field or discipline and demonstrate an understanding of the consequences thereof; and
- possess the ability to evaluate their own achievements and that of others and take appropriate action where required; accept responsibility for their own learning within a structured learning process; promote the learning of others; display insight that God created humanity in His image and that, therefore, it is the responsibility of the person to honour, care, and support their own body and those of others; and communicate this understanding verbally and in writing during contacts sessions and in the completion of assignments and activities.