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LWWA111 module-uitkomste

Jaar Module-uitkomste Engelse uitkomste

Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente

  • oor ‘n duidelike begrip beskik van chemie se omvang vir lewe; die kernareas en sleutelbegrippe, konsepte, feite, algemene beginsels, reëls en teorieë met betrekking tot atome, molekules, oplossings en chemiese reaksies verstaan; en hierdie kennis in assessering tydens kontaksessies, semestertoetse en die eksamen kan weergee;
  • oor die vermoë beskik om standaardmetodes, -prosedures en –tegnieke te selekteer tydens praktikums van chemie vir lewe en dit skriftelik en mondelings kan weergee en toepas tydens assesseringsgeleenthede in die praktikums;
  • inligting uit ‘n verskeidenheid van bronne kan versamel en inligting selekteer wat geskik is om insig rakende die rol van temperatuur in die chemie van lewe te bekom; hierdie inligting kan analiseer, sintetiseer en evalueer en dit ook betroubaar, akkuraat en samehangend op 'n mondelinge wyse kan kommunikeer by wyse van terugvoer tydens kontaksessies en die skriftelike uiteensetting daarvan in 'n verslag;
  • oor die vermoë beskik om gedefinieerde, roetine- en nuwe probleme betreffende die chemie van lewe binne ‘n bekende konteks, wat tydens die kontaksessies of op e-Klas geplaas word, te identifiseer, te evalueer en op te los; oplossings, wat gebaseer is op relevante bewyse, prosedures of 'n ander vorm van verduideliking kan toepas, wat toepaslik is tot die veld, dissipline of praktyk; en 'n begrip kan demonstreer van die gevolge daarvan; en
  • oor die vermoë beskik om hul eie prestasie en dié van ander te evalueer en toepaslike aksies te neem waar nodig; verantwoordelikheid aanvaar vir hul eie leer binne ‘n gestruktureerde leerproses; die leer van ander bevorder; en insig toon in die grootsheid van God se skepping en die wyse waarop Hy dit op molekulêre vlak in lewende stelsels onderhou en dit skriftelik en mondelings tydens kontaksessies en in die voltooiing van opdragte en aktiwiteite kommunikeer.


After completing this module, students should be able to

  • have a clear understanding of the extensive role of chemistry in life; understand the key areas and key concepts, facts, rules, and theories regarding atoms, molecules, chemical solutions; and reproduce this knowledge during contact sessions, in semester tests, and the examination;
  • have the ability to select and apply standard methods, procedures, and techniques during practical sessions regarding chemistry for life and be able to reproduce it in writing and verbally during the assessment of the practical sessions;
  • gather and select applicable information from various sources that can provide insight regarding the role of temperature in the chemistry of life; and analyse, synthesise, and evaluate this information and communicate it reliably, accurately, and coherently verbally using feedback during contact sessions and in a written report;
  • have the ability to identify, evaluate, and solve defined, routine, and new problems regarding the chemistry of life within a familiar context presented during contact sessions or placed on e-Class; apply solutions based on relevant proof, procedures, or another form of explanation that applies to the field or discipline and demonstrate an understanding of the consequences thereof; and
  • have the ability to evaluate and take appropriate actions regarding their performance and the performance of others and take the necessary actions where required; accept responsibility for their own learning within a structured learning process; promote the learning of others; display insight into the greatness of God’s creation and how He maintains it on a molecular level in living systems and communicate this in writing and verbally during contact sessions and in the compilation of assignments and activities.