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BESA211 module-uitkomste

Jaar Module-uitkomste Engelse uitkomste

Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente

  • oor ʼn gedetailleerde kennisbasis beskik op grond waarvan hulle die samestelling van die sakeomgewing kan verduidelik en illustreer;
  • probleemoplossing kan demonstreer wat hulle in staat sal stel om geleenthede en bedreigings in die sakeomgewing te identifiseer en op te los ten einde bedreigings in geleenthede te verander;
  • oor kennisgeletterdheid beskik op grond waarvan hulle korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid en korporatiewe beheer kan beskryf en evalueer;
  • oor konteks beskik op grond waarvan hulle kontemporêre sosio-ekonomiese kwessies wat 'n impak op die besigheid het, kan identifiseer, verduidelik en evalueer; en
  • oor ʼn gedetailleerde kennisbasis beskik op grond waarvan hulle besigheidsektore kan beskryf.

After completing this module, students should be able to

  • possess a detailed knowledge base that they can use to explain and illustrate the composition of the business and business environment;
  • demonstrate problem-solving that will enable them to identify and solve opportunities and threats in the business environment in order to change threats into opportunities;
  • possess knowledge literary that they can use to describe and evaluate corporative social responsibility and corporate control;
  • possess context that they can use to identify, explain, and evaluate contemporary socio-economic issues that influence business; and
  • possess a detailed knowledge base that they can use to describe the different business sectors.