Ná die voltooiing van die module sal studente
- oor ʼn geïntegreerde basiese kennisbasis beskik waarmee hulle tussen metodiek en didaktiek kan onderskei;
- oor ʼn geïntegreerde basiese kennisbasis beskik waardeur hulle verskillende assesseringstrategieë in Besigheidstudies kan identifiseer en toepas;
- konteks as basis demonstreer waarvolgens hulle die klaskameratmosfeer en klaskamerbestuur in ʼn Besigheidstudiesklaskamer kan beskryf; en
- metodes en werkprosesse kan gebruik om onderrigmetodes en -strategieë in die klaskamer toe te pas.
After completing this module, students should be able to
- possess an integrated fundamental knowledge base enabling them to discern between methodology and didactics;
- possess an integrated fundamental knowledge base enabling them to identify and apply different assessment strategies in Business Studies;
- demonstrate context as a basis according to which they can describe the classroom atmosphere and classroom management in a Business Studies classroom; and
- employ methods and work procedures through which they can apply teaching methods and strategies in the classroom.