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NATS521 module-uitkomste

Jaar Module-uitkomste Engelse uitkomste

Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente

  • ʼn grondige en geïntegreerde kennis kan toon van Natuurwetenskappe-onderrig, met spesifieke verwysing na die ontwerp en implementering van ʼn Natuurwetenskappe-les, assesseringsmetodes, onderrigstyle, metodes en tegnieke, asook die vind van gepaste hulpbronne;
  • oor die vermoë beskik om ʼn samehangende en kritiese begrip van die terme, konsepte, reëls, beginsels en teorie van Natuurwetenskappe-onderrig te toon;
  • oor die vermoë beskik om onbekende, konkrete en abstrakte probleme en sake in Natuurwetenskappe-onderrig op te los deur bewysbare en teoriegedrewe argumente in die beplanning van Natuurwetenskappe-lesse aan te wend; en
  • inligting kan aanbied, kommunikeer en eie menings lug rakende temas in die onderrig van Natuurwetenskappe in die Senior Fase.

After completing this module, students should be able to

  • have grounded and integrated knowledge of Natural Sciences teaching, with specific reference to the design and implementation of a Natural Science lesson, assessment methods, teaching styles, methods, and techniques, as well as finding suitable resources;
  • have the ability to show a coherent and critical understanding of the terms, concepts, rules, principles, and theories that are used when teaching Natural Sciences;
  • have the ability to solve unknown, concrete, and abstract problems and issues in the teaching of Natural Sciences by applying provable and theory-driven arguments in the planning of Natural Science lessons; and
  • present and communicate information and express own opinions regarding themes in the teaching of Natural Sciences in the Senior Phase.