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OPVS411 module-uitkomste

Jaar Module-uitkomste Engelse uitkomste

Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente

  • ‘n geïntegreerde kennisgeletterdheid hê om tussen normale en abnormale gedrag te kan onderskei;
  • die kapasiteit ontwikkel en metodes toepas om afwykende gedrag soos ADHD te hanteer en die invloed van sosiale media asook sosio-ekonomiese probleme kan bestudeer;
  • ‘n geïntegreerde kennisgeletterdheid hê om gepaste metodes en werkprosesse te ontwikkel om angstigheid en emosionele versteurings in die klaskamer te kan hanteer;
  • kennis dra van etiese en professionele praktyk om begrip te kan demonstreer van besluite en optrede se etiese implikasies met betrekking tot kindermishandeling en die effek begryp wat sosiale media en die omgewing op die kind het; en
  • ‘n geïntegreerde kennisgeletterdheid beskik om ‘n begrip van outisme en intellektuele leerhindernisse te kan demonstreer en in die proses ook gepaste metodes en werkprosesse vir die klaskamer te kan beplan.


After completing this module, students should be able to

  • have an integrated knowledge literacy to distinguish between normal and abnormal behaviour;
  • develop the capacity and apply methods to deal with deviant behaviour such as ADHD and study the influence of social media as well as socio-economic problems;
  • have an integrated knowledge literacy to develop suitable methods and working processes to deal with anxiety and emotional disorders in the classroom;
  • know ethical and professional practice to demonstrate understanding of the ethical implications of decisions and actions concerning child abuse and understand the effect of social media and the environment on the child; and
  • have an integrated knowledge literacy to demonstrate an understanding of autism and intellectual learning barriers and plan suitable methods and working processes for the classroom in this process.