Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente
- ʼn duidelike begrip van die omvang van lewe en lewende dinge toon; oor kennis van die biosfeer beskik; 'n fundamentele begrip toon van die kernareas, sleutelterme, konsepte, feite en algemene beginsels, reëls en teorieë met betrekking tot fotosintese, sellulêre respirasie, die struktuur en funksies van selle en verskeie sisteme in die menslike liggaam, die Aarde se plek in die sonnestelsel, die vorming van sterre, die ontginning van minerale hulpbronne en die rehabilitasie daarvan; oor die vermoë beskik om hierdie kennis in assessering tydens kontaksessies, semestertoetse en ʼn eksamen oor te dra;
- in staat wees om inligting uit ‘n verskeidenheid van bronne te versamel; inligting kan selekteer wat geskik is om insig oor 'n gesonde dieet se waarde vir die funksionering van stelsels in die menslike liggaam te bekom; hierdie inligting kan analiseer, sintetiseer en evalueer en dit verder ook betroubaar, akkuraat en samehangend mondelings by wyse van terugvoer kan kommunikeer tydens kontaksessies en die skriftelike uiteensetting daarvan in ’n verslag;
- die vermoë toon om hul eie prestasie en die prestasies van ander te evalueer en toepaslike aksie waar nodig te neem; verantwoordelikheid vir hul eie leer binne ‘n gestruktureerde leerproses kan aanvaar en die leer van ander kan bevorder; en
- insig daarin hê dat natuurwetenskappe by uitstek oor God se skepping en die mens se verantwoordelikheid teenoor die skepping handel; dit skriftelik en mondelings tydens kontaksessies kan kommunikeer en dit in die voltooiing van opdragte en aktiwiteite kan weergee.
After completing this module, students should be able to
- demonstrate a clear understanding of the extent of life and living; have knowledge of the concept of the biosphere; demonstrate fundamental knowledge of the core areas, key terms, concepts, facts and general principles, rules and theories with regard to photosynthesis, cellular respiration, the structure and functions of cells and various systems in the human body, the Earth’s place in the solar system and the formation of stars, the mining of mineral resources and the rehabilitation thereof; have the ability to convey this knowledge in assessment during contact sessions, semester tests and an exam;
- demonstrate the ability to collect information from various sources and select suitable information to gain insight into the value of a healthy diet for the functioning of systems in the human body as well as the effect of global warming on the ecosystem; analyse, synthesise and evaluate this information and communicate it accurately and coherently in feedback given during contact sessions and a written report;
- demonstrate the ability to evaluate their own and other’s achievements and take suitable action, where necessary; take responsibility for their own learning in a structured learning process and promote the learning of others; and
- have insight into the fact that natural sciences fundamentally study God’s creation and one’s responsibility towards creation; communicate it in written and oral conventions during contact sessions and in completing assignments and learning activities.