Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente
- ’n gedetailleerde kennis kan demonstreer van God, die mens, die verhouding tussen God en mens, mens tot mens, die mens teenoor die natuur asook die Messias binne die konteks van die Pentateug;
- die vermoë demonstreer om Gereformeerde verklarende metodes op die Pentateug vir ’n Christusgesentreerde perspektief toe te pas; en
- begrip van die Pentateug se etiese implikasies demonstreer.
After completing this module, students should be able to
- demonstrate detailed knowledge of God, man, the relation between God and man, man to man, man to nature as well as the Messiah within the context of the Pentateuch;
- demonstrate the ability to apply Reformed interpretive methods to the Pentateuch for a Christ-centred perspective; and
- demonstrate understanding of the ethical implications of the Pentateuch.