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LWWA321 module-uitkomste

Jaar Module-uitkomste Engelse uitkomste

Ná die voltooiing van die modules sal studente

  • oor ’n geïntegreerde kennis van die sentrale areas beskik, tesame met ‘n gespesialiseerde begrip van die sleutelterme, konsepte, feite, beginsels, reëls en teorieë van die taksonomie en anatomie van diere, dit kan toepas, evalueer en kan weergee in assessering tydens kontaksessies, semestertoetse en die eksamen;
  •  ‘n reeks ondersoekmetodes tydens taksonomie- en diereanatomie-praktikums kan toepas; ‘n reeks van metodes kan toepas om probleme met betrekking tot hierdie velde op te los; en hierdie kennis skriftelik en mondelings kan weergee tydens assessering van die praktikums;
  • geskikte prosesse kan ontwikkel om inligting te versamel oor dieretaksonomie; inligtingsbronne onafhanklik kan bekragtig; die inligting kan evalueer en bestuur; en hul eie idees en opinies kan ontwikkel en dit in goed geformuleerde argumente kommunikeer d.m.v. geskikte akademiese besprekings en verslae; 
  • oor die vermoë beskik om hul eie leerbehoeftes op ‘n selfgerigte wyse te identifiseer, te evalueer en aan te spreek om gesamentlike leerprosesse te fasiliteer; en
  • vanuit ‘n reformatoriese perspektief kan motiveer dat die ryke biodiversiteit van lewe op aarde ‘n toonbeeld van God se skeppingsmag is en dit mondelings en skriftelik kan weergee.

After completing this module, students should be able to

  • possess integrated knowledge of the central areas, together with a specialised understanding of the key terms, concepts, facts, principles, rules, and theories of the taxonomy and anatomy of animals and be able to apply, evaluate, and reproduce it during assessment in contact sessions, semester tests, and in the examination;
  • apply a series of  investigation methods during practical sessions of the taxonomy and anatomy of animals; apply a series of methods to solve problems regarding these fields; and reproduce it in writing and verbally during an assessment of the practical sessions;
  • develop suitable processes to collect information regarding animal taxonomy; confirm the information resources independently; evaluate and manage the information, and develop their own opinions and communicate them in well-formulated arguments using suitable academic discussions and reports;
  • have the ability to identify and address their learning needs in a self-directed manner to facilitate combined learning processes; and
  • motivate from a reformatory perspective that the rich biodiversity of life on earth mirrors God’s creative power and profess it verbally and in writing.