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REKV511 module-uitkomste

Jaar Module-uitkomste Engelse uitkomste

Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente 

  • oor geïntegreerde kennis beskik en begrip toon van die sleutelbeginsels van onderrig en leer in die EBW- en Rekeningkunde-klaskamer;  en die vermoë demonstreer om hierdie kennis te evalueer en toe te pas, met inbegrip van die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks waarin onderwys plaasvind;
  • probleemoplossing kan doen, wat gebaseer word op hul vermoë om kritiese en kreatiewe denke toe te pas met betrekking tot EBW en Rekeningkunde;
  • oor die vermoë beskik om skriftelik en mondelings tydens die aanbieding van lesse akkuraat en samehangend  te kommunikeer deur die doeltreffende aanwending van onderrighulpmiddele; en
  • oor die vermoë beskik om Christelike norme en waardes te weerspieël tydens die aanbieding van Rekeningkunde as vak.

After completing this module, students should be able to

  • have integrated knowledge and an understanding of the key concepts of teaching and learning in the EMS and Accountancy classroom; and demonstrate the ability to evaluate and apply this knowledge, keeping in mind the South African context in which teaching occurs;
  • do problem-solving, which is based on their ability to apply critical and creative reasoning regarding EMS and Accountancy; 
  • have the ability to communicate accurately and coherently in writing and orally during the presentation of lessons through the effective utilisation of teaching aids; and
  • have the ability to reflect Christian norms and values during the presentation of Accountancy as a subject.