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FILO521 module-uitkomste

Jaar Module-uitkomste Engelse uitkomste

Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente

  • in staat wees om voorheen verworwe kennis van onderwys binne die Filosofie van Onderwys te integreer nadat ʼn kennisbasis in die Filosofie van Onderwys opgebou is;
  • begrip toon van en oor die vermoë beskik om die sleutelterme, konsepte, feite, beginsels en teorieë van die Filosofie van Onderwys toe te pas;
  • metodes en prosedures implementeer om die tesis- en antitese-metodes in hul evaluering van verskillende opvoedkundige teorieë te kan toepas;
  • etiese en professionele praktyke kan toepas waarvolgens hulle die vermoë sal demonstreer om besluite te neem en eties en professioneel op te tree; en
  • inligting kan skep en daaroor kommunikeer waarvolgens hulle die vermoë sal demonstreer om hul filosofie, idees en menings tydens die skep van ʼn kurrikulum te kommunikeer.


After completing this module, students should be able to

  • integrate prior acquired knowledge of Education within the Philosophy of Education after building up a knowledge base in the Philosophy of Education;
  • show an understanding and have the ability to apply key terms, concepts, facts, principles, and theories of the Philosophy of Education; 
  • implement methods and procedures to apply the thesis and antithesis methods in their evaluation of different educational theories;
  • apply ethical and professional practices according to which they can demonstrate the ability to make decisions and act ethically and professionally; and
  • create information and communicate information according to which they demonstrate their ability to communicate their philosophy, ideas, and opinions in creating a curriculum.