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BYBK511 module-uitkomste

Jaar Module-uitkomste Engelse uitkomste

Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente

  • oor ʼn kennisbasis beskik wat hulle kan gebruik om ʼn geïntegreerde kennis te demonstreer ten opsigte van die konsep “openbaringsgeskiedenis”; en gedetailleerde kennis kan toon van gedagtes rondom die Bybel as gesagsbron en dit in verband kan bring met die veld van hermeneutiek;
  • oor kennisgeletterdheid beskik wat hulle kan gebruik om die belang van konsepte soos die koninkryk van God; die verband tussen die Ou en die Nuwe Testament; die Messias; die Evangelies; skepping; sondeval; en verlossing binne openbaringsgeskiedenis te demonstreer en sodoende ook verskillende gedagtes oor hierdie konsepte te evalueer;
  • die metodes en werkswyses van Skrif-met-Skrif-vergelyking kan demonstreer deur die verskillende opvattings aangaande die Messias vanuit die Ou Testament in verband met die Nuwe Testament aan te toon;  en verskillende geestelike strominge in die Nuwe Testament kan identifiseer deur aan te toon hoe hulle die konsep "Messias" verstaan het; en
  • probleemoplossingsvaardighede kan demonstreer deur die belangrike geografiese gebeure in die Nuwe Testament te identifiseer en die invloed van hierdie geografiese gebeure op die Nuwe Testamentiese gebeure aan te toon; en die probleem van die mensdom kan identifiseer en die oplossing analiseer wat die evangelie op hierdie probleem bied.

After completing this module, students should be able to

  • possess a knowledge base that they can use to demonstrate an integrated knowledge regarding the concept of the “history of revelation”; and have detailed biblical knowledge regarding the Bible as an authoritative source and be able to relate it to the field of hermeneutics;
  • possess literacy knowledge that they can use to demonstrate the importance of concepts such as the kingdom of God; the relevance between the Old and the New Testament; the Messiah; the Gospels; creation, the fall; and redemption within the history of revelation and thus evaluate different ideas on these concepts;
  • demonstrate methods and procedures of Scripture-with-Scripture comparison by indicating the different views regarding the Messiah in the Old Testament in relation to the New Testament; and identify various spiritual trends in the New Testament by indicating how they understood the concept “Messiah”; and
  • demonstrate problem-solving skills by identifying important geographical occurrences in the New Testament and indicating the influence of these geographical chains of events; and identify the problem of humanity and analyse the solutions provided by the gospel.