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LEWV511 module-uitkomste

Jaar Module-uitkomste Engelse uitkomste

Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente

  • oor ʼn geïntegreerde kennis beskik van die sentrale areas; begrip toon van die sleutelterme, konsepte, feite, reëls, beginsels en teorieë van die vak Lewenswetenskappe in Verdere Onderwys en Opleidingsonderrig; assessering in  Lewenswetenskappe kan beplan en toepas; en hierdie kennis tydens kontaksessies, semestertoetse en die eksamen kan weergee;
  • begrip toon van ʼn aantal ondersoekmetodes binne Lewenswetenskappebeplanning en -assessering en hul gepastheid vir Lewenswetenskappe-onderrig; oor die vermoë beskik om ʼn aantal metodes toe te pas om probleme op te los of om verandering teweeg te bring tydens die onderrig van Lewenswetenskappe;
  • oor die vermoë beskik om verskillende inligtingsbronne te evalueer; inligting kan selekteer oor die rol van verskillende oriënterings; Lewenswetenskappe kan onderrig ter bevordering van tegnologie, die omgewing en daaglikse lewe in Suid-Afrika; goed ontwikkelde prosesse van ontleding, sintese en evaluering kan toepas om die inligting op ʼn betroubare en samehangende wyse te kommunikeer; en hierdie inligting skriftelik en mondelings  in ʼn besprekingsforum en skriftelike verslag kan debatteer;
  • oor die vermoë beskik om die beginsels van goeie lesbeplanning toe te pas tydens die ontwerp en aanbieding van lesse; hul eie leerbehoeftes op ʼn selfgerigte wyse kan identifiseer, evalueer en aanspreek; en onderlinge leerprosesse kan fasiliteer; en
  • oor die vermoë beskik om ʼn begrip te demonstreer van die natuurlike verskynsels en wette wat God geskep het; insig kan toon in die feit dat mense geleiers is van God se mag in die wêreld waardeur hulle as getuienisse van sy werke optree; en aktief werk aan die toepassing van hierdie konsepte in Lewenswetenskappe-onderrig deur die mondelinge en skriftelike aanbieding hiervan tydens lesbeplanning en aanbiedings.

After completing this module, students should be able to

  • have integrated knowledge of the central areas; have an understanding of the key terms, concepts, facts, rules, principles, and theories of the subject Life Sciences in Further Education and Training; plan and apply assessment in Life Sciences; and reproduce this knowledge during contact sessions, semester tests, and the examination;
  • display an understanding of several investigative methods within the planning of Life Sciences and Life Sciences assessment and their suitability for Life Sciences tuition; and possess the ability to apply several methods to solve problems or bring about change in the tuition of Life Sciences;
  • have the ability to evaluate different information sources; select information regarding different orientations; teach Life Sciences to promote technology, the environment, and daily life in South Africa; apply well-developed processes of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation so that the information is communicated dependably and cohesively; and debate this information orally and in writing in a discussion forum and a written report;
  • should have the ability to apply the principles of good lesson planning during the design and presentation of lessons; identify, evaluate, and address their own learning needs in a self-directed manner; and facilitate learning processes mutually; and
  • have the ability to demonstrate an understanding of the natural phenomena and laws ordained by God; demonstrate insight in the fact that people are conductors of God’s power in the world by which they act as testimonies of His work; and work actively on the application of these concepts in the teaching of Life Sciences through the oral and written presentation thereof during lesson planning and presentations.