Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente
- Christelike waardes soos identiteit, persoonlike sterkpunte, emosies, selfbeeld en selfbestuursvaardighede kan integreer en ook daaroor reflekteer;
- oor uitgebreide kennis beskik van seksuele opvoeding, asook HIV/VIGS en ander seksueel-oordraagbare siektes;
- metodes kan ontwikkel om ’n ritmiese bewegingsprogram te ontwerp deur te fokus op die ontwikkeling en evaluering van postuur, asook die verandering van vorm, spoed en rigting;
- gedetailleerde kennisgeletterdheid kan demonstreer deur in staat te wees om musiekaktiwiteite se konsepte en definisies te beskryf met verwysing na Westerse musiekinstrumente, soos gesien in The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra;
- metodes kan identifiseer en demonstreer om in staat te wees om tweedimensionele ontwerpe te skep deur visuele stimulusse in God se skepping waar te neem; en
- driedimensionele ontwerpe kan ontwerp en hierdie kennis deur middel van die inskerping van formele taalelemente en pottebakkersklei kan toepas.
After completing this module, students should be able to
- integrate Christian values such as identity, personal strengths, emotions, self-esteem and self-management skills and reflect upon them;
- have extensive knowledge of sexual education as well as HIV/Aids and other sexually transmitted diseases;
- develop methods to create a rhythmic movement program with the focus on developing and evaluating posture as well as changing shape, speed, and direction;
- demonstrate detailed knowledge literacy by being able to describe concepts and definitions of musical activities, focusing on Western musical instruments as found in The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra;
- identify and demonstrate methods to be able to create two-dimensional designs by observing visual stimuli in God's creation; and
- design three-dimensional designs and apply them through the inculcation of formal language elements and pottery clay.