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BSSK621 module-uitkomste

Jaar Module-uitkomste Engelse uitkomste

Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente

  •  kennis van en insig in organisasie, skoolkultuur en -klimaat, asook klaskamerkultuur en -klimaat as begrippe toon, wat op samewerkende leer, groepskohesie, respek en wedersydse vertroue as grondslag berus;
  • kritiese vrae kan stel oor die bou van ’n skool- en klaskamerkultuur, personeelverhoudings en ’n onderrig-en-leerkultuur en hierdie aspekte kan evalueer;
  • komplekse probleme met betrekking tot organisatoriese spanning en konflik in skole kan identifiseer, analiseer en die hoof bied;
  • die bou van harmonieuse verhoudings in die skool en klaskamer kan verduidelik en toepas; en
  • die vermoë toon om skooldissipline te bestuur.



After completing this module, students should be able to

  • demonstrate knowledge of and insight into the concepts of organisation, school culture and climate, as well as classroom culture and climate, which form the basis of cooperative learning, group cohesion, respect and mutual trust in a school;
  • critically interrogate and evaluate the building of a school and classroom culture, classroom climate, staff relationships, and a culture of teaching and learning;
  • identify, analyse and address complex problems regarding organisational stress and conflict in schools;
  • explain and apply the building of harmonious relationships in the school and classroom; and
  • demonstrate the ability to manage school discipline.