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FICH211 module-uitkomste

Jaar Module-uitkomste Engelse uitkomste

Ná die voltooiing van die module sal studente

  • ingeligte begrip van die volgende toon: die periodieke tabel; atome, ione en molekules; kovalente, ioniese en waterstofbindings; naamgewing in chemie; chemiese vergelykings; sure en basisse; oksidasie en reduksie; en ook van ‘n inleiding van organiese chemie tot die mate waarin dit op natuur- en lewenswetenskappe van toepassing is;
  • ingeligte begrip van energie toon t.o.v. die bronne daarvan, tipes energie-oordrag van energie; elektrisiteit t.o.v. die opwekking daarvan, die oordrag van energie in elektriese stelsels, elektriese stroombane (serie-, parallel -en gekombineerde stroombane) en wette en berekeninge rondom elektriese stroombane; basiese elektrostatikabeginsels, -wette en -berekeninge; en magnetisme en sigbare lig t.o.v. die basiese beginsels en wette tot die mate waarin dit op natuur en fisiese wetenskappe van toepassing is;
  • oor die vermoë beskik om standaardmetodes, prosedures en tegnieke individueel of as deel van ‘n groep tydens praktikums te selekteer en op ‘n verantwoordelike wyse toe te pas onder omstandighede waarmee hulle vertroud is en waarin hulle ondersteun word ten einde die konsepte, beginsels, reëls en teorieë, soos van toepassing in hierdie module, te ondersoek en/ of te bevestig;
  • oor die vermoë beskik om inligting in te samel deur van ‘n verskeidenheid bronne gebruik te maak en inligting wat vir die taak toepaslik is te selekteer, evalueer, analiseer en te sintetiseer;
  • oor die vermoë beskik om inligting wat ingesamel is en/ of prosedures, resultate en gevolgtrekkings van praktikums in geskrewe, mondelinge of simboliese vorm op ‘n akkurate en samehangende wyse te kommunikeer, met respek vir konvensies rondom intellektuele eiendom, kopiereg en plagiaat; en
  • die ingesteldheid en vermoë demonstreer om eie leer te monitor, eie prestasie te evalueer en indien nodig toepaslike leerstrategieë en hulpbronne te implementeer om die uitkomstes van hierdie module te bereik en ook op ’n soortgelyke wyse die leer van ander lede van ‘n groep te bevorder.

After completing this module, students should be able to

  • demonstrate an informed understanding of energy in relation to its sources, types of energy transfer, electricity in terms of its generation, energy transfer in electrical systems, electrical circuits, and combined circuits), and laws and calculations related to electrical circuits; basic electrostatic principles, laws, and calculations; and magnetism and visible light in relation to the basic principles and laws as they apply to natural and physical sciences to the extent relevant;
  • have an informed understanding of energy in relation to its sources, types of energy transfer, electricity and its generation, energy transmission in electrical systems, electrical circuits (series, parallel, and combination circuits), as well as laws and calculations related circuits; basic electrostatic principles, laws and calculations, as well as magnetism and visible light in relation to their basic principles and laws as they apply to natural and physical sciences;
  • have the ability to select standard methods, procedures, and techniques individually or as part of a group during practical exercises and apply them responsibly under familiar circumstances with appropriate support in order to investigate and/or confirm the concepts, principles, rules, and theories applicable in this module;
  • possess the ability to gather information from various sources and select, evaluate, analyse and synthesise information relevant to the task;
  • demonstrate the ability to communicate information gathered or procedures, results, and conclusions from practical exercises in written, oral, or symbolic form accurately and coherently while respecting conventions regarding intellectual property, copyright, and plagiarism; and
  • demonstrate the attitude and ability to monitor one’s own performance and implement appropriate learning strategies and resources to achieve the outcomes of this module and similarly promote the learning of other group members.