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PREL511 module-uitkomste

Jaar Module-uitkomste Engelse uitkomste

Ná die voltooiing van hierdie module sal studente

  • oor ʼn geïntegreerde kennisbasis beskik waarvolgens professionele etiek in die klaskamerkonteks toegepas kan word;
  • oor ʼn geïntegreerde kennisbasis en probleemgebaseerde benadering beskik waarvolgens dit sal moontlik wees om verskillende wetgewing te identifiseer, te herken en van mekaar te onderskei deur tersaaklike artikels of items (reg en pligte) te gebruik of hulle binne ʼn spesifieke konteks te implementeer;
  • oor ʼn geïntegreerde kennisbasis beskik waarvolgens die rasionaal van die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel beskryf en geëvalueer sal kan word; en
  • aanspreeklikheid ontwikkel waarvolgens die vermoë gedemonstreer sal word om doeltreffend in ʼn span of 'n groep te werk om sodoende die klaskamer op ʼn toepaslike wyse te bestuur. 

After completing this module, students should be able to

  • have an integrated knowledge base according to which professional ethics can be applied in the classroom context;
  • have an integrated knowledge base and problem-based approach according to which it will be possible to identify, recognise, and distinguish between different legislation by using relevant articles or items (rights and duties) or by implementing them within a specific context; 
  • have an integrated knowledge base according to which the rationale of the South African educations system can be described and evaluated; and
  • develop accountability according to which the ability to work efficiently in a team or group will be demonstrated in order to manage the classroom appropriately.